My dear sister-in-law got married.

I flew in on Friday morning and immediately left to attend the bridesmaid luncheon.

Oh. My. Gosh. was it amazing. The hostesses thought of every little detail. Bridal ornaments hanging from chandeliers, individually decorated cookies as place cards, flowers flowers flowers, desserts desserts desserts, amazing food, and amazing company.

My other sister-in-law (not the bride), maid of honor, mother-in-law

My lovely nieces.

Non-bridal sister-in-law (so many hyphens), bridesmaid.

The bride is the blonde! Glowing, wasn't she?

christmas presents

I home-made almost all of my gifts this year. My favorites were probably the hats I made for my four nieces and nephews.

I alternated colors, pom poms, and loop-de-loops so that they all got unique but similar hats.

I came up with the pattern myself, maybe someday I'll write it down and post it?

this is a week late. but happy anniversary, my love.

and anyone out there who hears the first year of marriage is hard... all lies.